Awardees Case Studies


Winner: Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited 

Case study: Dalmia is utilizing waste from iron and steel, petroleum, power industry in its process to reduce carbon footprint of its product. They have integrated sustainability and circularity in their business operations by taking many initiatives like committing to be carbon negative by 2040, consuming 40% industrial waste as raw materials.  They collect untreated water from the city and use the treated water in cement plant with efficiency of 38% water recycling rate. 18% of the heat provided in cement kilns is derived by MSW wastes, non-recyclable plastic etc. Floating solar plants, rainwater harvesting, Waste heat to electricity are some initiatives taken by organization towards circularity.

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Runner-up: SKF Engineering and Lubrication India Private Limited

Case study: SKF is a world leading manufacturer of bearings, lubrication equipment etc. They have introduced & implemented SKF RecondOil, with Double Separation Technology of recondoil, particles and other impurities down to a nano-sized level, can be captured and separated from the oil. This enables circular recovery and reuse of oils, with all original properties retained. Thus, not only avoiding oil changes and oil cost and thereby saving CO2 emissions but also performance and productivity improvements in the production.

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2nd Runner-Up: Larsen & Toubro Construction- Heavy Civil Infrastructure

Case study: L&T Construction - Heavy Civil Infrastructure has a holistic 360-degree view on sustainability focusing on conservation of natural resources and induction of alternative & recycled substitutes. They use alternative Cementitious materials in projects to replace proportionate amount of cement in construction projects, Recycle construction and demolition waste wherever possible and leverages construction waste to create concrete alternatives for construction of temporary structures. Their TWCC Factory is strongly based on the concept of reusage of existing structures and the factory deals with fabrication / refabrication of all kinds of heavy weight, medium weight and light weight steel structures.


Winner: Hasiru Dala Innovations Private Limited 

Case study: Hasiru Dala Innovations, a for purpose company, achieves inclusive circularity. They have created a circular economy instance for organic wet waste starting from collection of at source segregated waste to processing it into two climate friendly products, compressed bio gas and organic manure. By working directly with brands such as H&M and Cofresco, they supply fairly traded plastic waste directly to the brand's supply chain.  For example PET waste is made into buttons and LDPE covers are made into garbage bags. Also, launched refill solution for home care products.  Alongwith Padcare, they also offer a solution for sanitary waste to be recycled to cellulose and mixed plastic.

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Runner-Up: Punjab Renewable Energy Systems Private Limited 

Case study: They are creating Village level entrepreneurs to achieve financial inclusion by panning out the full spectrum of bio energy sector from training to market development and providing linkages to biomass from fields to farmers replacing coal and wood. They use technology to convert biomass for steam generation, this helps in saving on fossil fuels.

2nd Runner-Up: IFP Petro Products Private Limited 

Case study: The company has worked towards resource efficiency by upcycling Used Oil into RRBO, curtailing import of such virgin base oil and which in turn has negated the use of virgin base oil. Their Used Oil is processed with Pre-treatment Electronation, Dehydration Fuel Stripping, Shortpath Distillation and Clay treatment to produce Grade 1 Base Oil as per client specification.  

This has also generated employment opportunities within the oil & gas sector.


Winner: ACE Green Recycling

Case study: ACE Green Recycling is a global recycling tech platform with sustainable solutions. Deploying proprietary & fully electrified technology, ACE is able to recover over 99% and 98% of battery materials for lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries respectively. Already deployed at commercial scale, they are turning critical heavy pollution industries to eco-positive initiatives - powering the circular economy of tomorrow and making global electrification sustainable.

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Runner-Up: Wastelink

Wastelink was born to help the food industry go circular. Their unique food producer focused technology platform and service provides a single window solution for anything food waste. With a zero-landfill commitment, they convert food waste into feed, pharma, and fuel. They are already working with many of the top food brands in India and have created a significant positive impact on their carbon footprint

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2nd Runner-Up: Rekart Innovations Pvt Ltd.

Case study: Is a leading PRO working with a vision of managing waste in smart cities with a technology-enabled integrated approach. They have developed a government linked and brand owners funded plastic waste circular economy model which is highly scalable and can adopted by all the cities in India.

Currently REKART is in 165 cities in 30 states and UTs and working with 200+ brands in India.


Winner: Conserve India

Case study: Conserve has directed its efforts towards environmental conservation, while simultaneously creating socially uplifting conditions by empowering underprivileged individuals with employable opportunities since 1997.

They have patented a technology to convert single use plastic into handmade recycled plastic also known as HRP in 2008 which mimics vegan leather and is used to create fashion and home products. With their continuous efforts, they have been able to upcycle 360 tonnes of plastic, train 2800 people in upcycling processes, increase the income of waste pickers by almost 150% and avoid 53,000 kgs of CO2 emissions.

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Winner: Sparkle Eco Innovations Private Limited

Case study: They are producers of bio-degradable & home compostable sanitary pads. Made with a cellulose-based top sheet, cellulose-based absorbent core, home-compostable back film and wrapper, bio-based adhesives and non-toxic adhesive, these pads are plastic & chemical free. Focus on sustainability and product design from procurement to end of life. Have 8 dedicated depts for R&D, to focus on sustainable procurement, disposal methods and end of life behavior & continuously enhancing innovation & technology.

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Runner-up: APChemi Private Limited

Case study: Since 2007, APChemi has supplied 47 plastic to oil plants to multi-national companies.APChemi’s R&D has developed several technologies for the purification of contaminated pyrolysis oil. APChemi’s patented technologies also reduce the carbon footprint by eliminating the use of chemicals in the purification of contaminated pyrolysis oil. From Oct 2023, APChemi’s commercial scale project will enable downstream production of food and pharma-grade circular plastics from landfill plastic waste.

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